Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Lost Bpy (120-180)

i really don't think that David needs to see a doctors.
That doctor didn't even help him he is just sitting there.
David just closed up and he started to make the wrong friends.
He didn't even start the fire.
His parents need to believe him.

Why did his parents make him go a see a doctor?
How come David just closed up and drifted away from everyone?
Why are kids at school to mean to him?
Will the police really take him away?

Paramecium -
any ciliated freshwater protozoan of the genus Paramecium, having an oval body and a long, deep oral groove
Distinguishing - distinctive; characteristic, as a definitive feature of an individual or group
Cooed - to utter or imitate the soft, murmuring sound characteristic of doves

Literary Terms:
Simile - "He doesn't ask questions like you or Ms. Gold, but sick ones"
Characterizations - "Whenever i decided to steal a serious item, I became extremely focused inside"

Over View Sentence:
David began to change while living in his new family, he began to make the wrong friends and was accused of starting a fire in school which he didn't and he might get taken away from his family.

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