Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Lost Boy (180-240)

They really took him away.
He doesn't belong in the juvenile hall.
His new mother was really nice in buying him a pet turtle.
Even though he has done so much Mrs. Catanze still loves him.
He will survive in there.

When will he get out?
Will he be going back to the Catanze?
What will happen after he gets out?
Why does he have to leave the Catanze house?

Curdling -
to spoil; turn sour
Radically - rising from or going to a root or source; basic
Anxiety - distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear of danger or misfortune

Literary Terms:
Metaphor - "Those crocodile tears might work on lil, but they won't do a bit of good with me"
Simile - "I smiled at Rudy, who breathed above mt like a dragon"

Over View Sentence:
David got out but he wasn't going back to his old foster home he went to a new one, then another one, soon he met his younger brother at the same school he was going to.

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