Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Primal Teen pages 198 - 221

Teenagers do get random emotions.
So as the brain grows so does the brain.
Parents need to give them some space.
Teenagers really want some space from their parents.
Teenagers sleep less then most adults.

Why do teenagers always focus on negatives?
Are they afraid to grow up?
Why isn't there a difference?
Why do teenagers hide everything?

Consolidates -
To unite into one system or whole; combine
Cerebral - of or pertaining to the cerebrum or the brain
Disdain - to look upon or treat with contempt; despise; scorn

Literary Terms:
Simile - "sometimes it seems like the goal of adolescence is to get out of it, an urgent need to grow up"
Personification - "raising little felons"

Overview Sentence:
The brain of the teenagers is still developing so that means they are too.

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