Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Primal Teen pages 154 - 176

Teenagers don't get much sleep.
Some teenagers drink to escape from the world.
It's not always the parents fault.
Sleep is a very big art for teenagers.
Teenagers who don't get enough sleep sleep in class.

Why do teenagers get less sleep?
Is it the parents fault most of the time?
Why do teenagers drink so much when they could be doing something else?
What do teenagers do to get more sleep?

Insomnia -
inability to obtain sufficient sleep, esp. when chronic; difficulty in falling or staying asleep; sleeplessness
Extensive - of great extent; wide; broad
Vivid - strikingly bright or intense, as color, light, etc

Literary Terms:
Metaphor - "Perhaps it has to do with an abundance of food, making it a good time to have a baby, or perhaps there's been a drought and it's not"
Simile - "McClintock is not saying that the average teenager acts like broccoli (although the comparison is tempting)"

Overview Sentence:
Teenagers don't get enough sleep and parents are blaming themselves for it.

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