Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Primal Teen - Page 22 - 44

Teenagers do stuff for no reasons.
Teenagers don't even think about the out come of their actions.
Some kids are considered adults at age 12.
Parents must wonder why teenagers act the way they act.
Scientist still believe it has something to do with the brain.

Why do teenagers have the urge to do something crazy?
Does the brain control these feelings?
Do teenagers think there is something wrong with them?
Do any of then go get help?

Prefrontal -
anterior to, situated in, or pertaining to the anterior part of a frontal structure
Sophisticated - altered by education, experience, etc., so as to be worldly-wise; not naive
Exuberance - Also, ex⋅u⋅ber⋅an⋅cy. the state of being exuberant

Literary Terms:
Simile - "I'd like to eat you now"
Personification - "A drawing of a rat brain with its tiny smooth prefrontal cortex"

Overview Sentence:
About brain parts of the teenagers brain.

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