Saturday, October 11, 2008

Red Scarf Girl Continue

People are still bothering Ji-li Jiang about her father.
She must have been in so much pain when she cut herself.
She should have been more careful.
They had to search her house again don't these people get tired.
How can the Red guards make her grandmother sweep the floor of the streets.

Why does Bai Shan care so much for Ji-li Jiang?
What are Ji-li Jiang and her family gonna do when the Red guards take everything?
What do the Red guards do with the stuff they take?
Is she going to go kill herself?

Mechanically -
habitual; routine; automatic
Condemning - To express strong disapproval of
Frantically - desperate or wild with excitement, passion, fear, pain, etc.; frenzied

Personification - "His cold manner became a little more animated"
Simile - "I felt like a small animal that had falleninto a trap, alone and helpless, and sure that the hunter was coming"

Ji-li Jiang had to work in the rice fields. she fainted when she was working. the Red guards searched her house again they took everything besides their clothes. She's think she shouldn't live anymore.

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