Thursday, October 9, 2008

Red Scarf Girl Continue

It was a good idea that Ji-li Jiang stayed home.
Song po-po and her Grandmother were nice trying to cheer her up.
The kids at school had no right to talk about Ji-li Jiang father just because they were Red Successors.
It's so dumb that you can't be a Red Successor if you don't have a good background.
The kids are so mean to pick on Ji-li Jiang just because she lives a little better then some people.

Was her grandfather a bad person?
Why do people need to have a good background to be a Red Successor?
Why did her friends turn on her?
Why won't the teachers say anything?

Remnants -
Something left over; a remainder
Remold -
cast again
Textile -
any cloth or goods produced by weaving, knitting, or felting

Hyperbole - "I jumped blindly into the dazzling sunshine and ran home"
personification - "Alone in the corner of the school i saw a wildflower she had six delicate petals, each big as the nail of my little fingers.

The kids turned on Ji-li Jiang so easily. They picked on her because of her family background. Her father told her that alot of people will talk but she shouldn't listen cause they don't know anything.

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