Saturday, October 11, 2008

Red Scarf Girl Continue

The Red guards are so cruel beating someone just because they wouldn't say anything.
Everyone must be worried because her dad didn't come home last night.
The Red guards had no right to lock up Ji-li jiang father.
The Red guards had the nerve to tell Ji-li Jiang that she can break away from her parents.
I really hope she doesn't do that.

Why did they lock up her father?
Will he be able to get out soon?
Did her dad have anything to hide from the Red guards?
Why do they need to remold the people?

Leniency -
the quality or state of being lenient

Pestering - To harass with petty annoyances; bother
Sneered - A scornful facial expression characterized by a slight raising of one corner of the upper lip

Simile - "standing in the dark doorway, he looked like a monster"
Metaphor - "the world would spin around her and she would feel weak and nauseous

Ji-li Jiang father got locked up. Because he wouldn't tell the Red guards anything. Ji-li Jiang family can't come and see him. Ji-li jiang was told that she can break away from her parents.

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