Sunday, March 15, 2009

Wide Sargasso Sea (pages 76 - 95)

He doesn't seem to like anyone there.
Antoinette doesn't seem happy still.
They seem to be getting along.
He finds out the secrets of the Cosway family.
Antoinette isn't crazy like her mom.

Why does everyone still hate them?
Why did they do?
Is this going to change anything?
Will he still stay with her?

Dawdles -
To take more time than necessary
Bewilder - to confuse or puzzle completely
Chemise - a woman's loose-fitting, shirt like undergarment

Literary Terms:
Simile - "It was cold as ice in the hot sun"
Personification - "It was often raining when I woke during the night, a light capricious shower, dancing playful rain, or hushed muted, growing louder, more persistent, more powerful, an inexorable sound"

Overview Sentence:
Antoinette husband had food out about the secrets of his wife family and this is going to change so many things.

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