Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Emperors of Chocolate (pages 210-240)

Wow everything has to do with advertisement.
Hershey has to have some advertisement if he wants more people to buy his candy.
People are always trying to find something new to sell.
Sugar was really expensive back then.
Hershey really needed to save his money for the future of his company.

Why didn't Hershey want to advertise his candy?
Why did the price for sugar go up?
Was it hard to advertise Hershey candy?
Did the advertisement help Hershey sell more candy?

Naifs -
Lacking worldly experience and understanding, especially
Calamitous -
causing or involving calamity; disastrous
Discretionary -
subject or left to one's own discretion

Literary Terms:
Simile - "Mohler's solution was to preserve profits by slashing "discretionary" spending, like the company's new advertisement budget"
Metaphor - "I'm going down with the Titanic"

Overview Sentence:
Hershey is trying to advertise his candy so more people would buy his candy.

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